Under 16 Representative Programme

Team Management 2025

Team NameRole
Under 16 Gold

Jodie Roberston

Tania Lister

Head Coach

Assistant Coach

Under 16 Green

Shelley Shaw

Sarah Gwerder

Head Coach

Assistant Coach

Under 16 White
Head Coach

Convenor of Selectors: Jaimee Bialy, Community Development Officer

Seletion Panel 2025: Under 16 team head coaches, and up to two independent personel. 

​​​​​​​Trial eligibility players must be 14 years or over, and under the age of 16 at 1 January 2025. Players must also be registered to a NHV affiliate (Club/School). 


Players are required to attend all three trials, unless dispensation has been confirmed with the Community Development Officer. 

Trial registrations close on Friday 18th April 2025. 

FirstSunday 27 April 202512pm - 3pmTaita Netball Centre
SecondWednesday 30 April 20256pm - 8pmTaita Netball Centre
Third & finalSunday 4 May 202510am - 12pmWalter Nash Stadium 

Squad/Team Selection

Selections will be announced within five days of the final trial taking place. Once named in a squad/team players will be liable for full payment. If you withdraw after team announcements, you will be charged the full amount. 


Training sessions will be held up to two hours, once per week for green & white teams. Hutt Valley gold may train twice per week in consultation with club/school teams to ensure player loads remain balanced to avoid burnout and injury. A training schedule will be released to all players in due course. If you cannot make training it is expected you notify your coach/manager at the earliest time possible. 

Additional requirements of team members and their whanau as outlined below (outside of training & tournaments) 

Pre-tournament campGoldSunday 11 May9am - 2.30pmSt Oran's College
Whanau DayAll teamsSunday 18 May10am - 1pmTaita Netball Courts
Pre-tournament campGreen & WhiteSunday 25 May9am - 2pmSt Oran's College


Players selected must be available to attend the following tournaments. If you are unable to attend one-off tournaments please advise as soon as possibe to aid in our planning. 

Marjorie Jenden TournamentSaturday 31 May, Sunday 1 June 2025Mungavin Courts, Kapi Mana Netball CentreAll teams
Betty Steffensen TournamentSunday 8 June 2025Vautier Park, Palmerston NorthAll teams
WLG Regional CombinedSunday 15 June 2025Coastlands Kapiti Netball CourtsAll teams
Whanganui TournamentSunday 22 June 2025Laird Park Netball Courts, WhanganuiGreen and White
NI Junior ChampionshipsSunday 29 June - Tuesday 1 July 2024New PlymouthGold 

Fee structure 2025

Fees make a contribution to the representative programme, however do not cover all costs associated with delivering the programme.

Hutt Valley Gold team members will need to contribute to fundraising opportunities when available. The main fundraising event is the sausage sizzle at NHV on a Saturday. This will be communicated further via your team management. 

Full payment is due no later than Friday 6 June 2025. If players need to make a payment plan please contact admin@netballhuttvalley.co.nz. Plans need to be in place & started prior to the fee due date. 

Hutt Valley Gold: To be advised shortly, however players should budget a minimum of $290.

Hutt Valley Green & White: To be advised shortly, however players should budget a minimum of $100

Players will receive a t-shirt & hoodie (if they do not already own one in good condition) and provided a tracksuit, playing uniform & bag which are to be returned cleaned at the end of the season. 

All questions can be directed to Jaimee on admin@netballhuttvalley.co.nz